by Urban Uprising
Target Group: young people, average age 14, coming from disadvantaged backgrounds
Impact: 6 days, approximately 42 hours of activities.

Project description
Funded 2015, a group of friends that got together, in health and educaiton services and trying to figure out to get children active outdoors. 2019 received grant to professionalize group- working with 26 cities in portugal.
Project Data
About Ludotempo/Brincar de Rua
Founded in 2015 by a group of friends in health and education services, focused on encouraging outdoor activity for children.
Professionalized in 2019 with a grant and now works across 26 cities in Portugal.
Scottish Highlands. Glenmore Lodge and surrounding mountains.
How many days and hours per day of physical activity were included in the activities
6 days, approximately 42 hours of activities.
How many participants took part in the activities?
123 participants
Describe the activities that took part?
The activities focused on 3 key areas:
- Physical Activities (climbing, running, orienteering)
- Nature & Cultural Interpretation (observing flora and fauna, historical storytelling)
- Nature Preservation & Civic Participation (cleaning the site, creating awareness, preparing exhibitions).
What was the average age of participants?
7-10 years old frm 3 schools in Leiria, Portugal
What was the physical activity level of the participants?
- 18.7% do not practice sports regularly.
- 16.3% practice sports once per week.
- 33.3% practice sports twice per week.
- 31.7% practice sports 3+ times per week.
Money received from the Coalition in €:
4.000 EUR
Project Testimonials
How did I feel about the project before it started?
Excited!!! This was the first time we've organized full day experiences. We've been training and planning the project for quite a long time and also had some set backs concerning the scheduling of the groups, so, when the starting day came we were delighted to get it started.
What was a challenge?
Scheduling with schools. The school board changed and we had to organize it all over. Also, since we had to reschedule the activities, we ended up going live in November, typically a rainy month in Leiria/ Portugal; we had a few set backs with the weather conditions, but all went well.
What was your favourite part of the project?
Seeing the smiles on the childrens faces!
How will this project influence your outdoor adventures in the future?
Doing more of it and realising what is out there.
Francisco lontro from Ludotempo – Associação de Promoção do Brincar