Reporting template

Do you want to prepare your report off-line? Click here to download our outline reporting form.

"*" indicates required fields

Organisation and contact person

Please provide the name of the applicant organisation.
Contact person*

Project Data

Please describe the activities that took place as part of the project if they were different from the application.
Please indicate country and region or exact location.
Please indicate the start and end date or dates.
Please describe any other support received: gear etc.
Please let us know if you received other support for the project from other partners, describe who they are and (if possible) indicate the value of those partnerships.

Project Testimonials

(Ideally written by participants)

Project Communications

Please provide a list of all communication activities you performed around the project and provides links where possible.
Please upload high-resolution images that showcase the project and can be used in media or send them to us via Only upload images with approval from people featuring in the image.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Please let us know who took the pictures so we can add their name the image caption for copyright pruposes.
Did you receive Coalition Go Pro devices?

Some Other Things

On a scale from 1 - 10, 10 being "yeah for sure!"
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.