by Latvian Sport for All Association
Target Group: Women that suffered from violence and their kids
Impact: 1 nordic hiking day with 55 participants

Project description
The participants were delivered to Pokaini forest by bus, The project was executed as expected. The first group walked ~ 6km, the second group ~ 9 km. Both groups had warm-up together and introduction to correct Nordic walking technique, all participants received equipment (poles). With our eco-guide we have discovered most interesting places of Pokaini forest, explored mysterious stones and listened to the history of their origin, performed ,editations and wishful thinking, explored our 5 senses, some of the participants agreed to walk barefoot, as suggested by our guide,as this improved energy flow. At the end of the hike participants had tasty soup.
Project Data
Where did the activities take place?
Pokaini forest (Pokaiņu mežs) – “Senpokaiņi”, Naudīte parish, Dobele municipality, LV-3724
When did the activities take place?
23rd of June 2022
How many days and hours per day of physical activity were included in the activities
55 participants each had 5 hours of outdoor activity on the event date
How many participants took part in the activities?
Describe the target group that took part in the activities
The target group of the event was women that suffered from violence and women that escaped Ukraine beacause of the war and are currently in Latvia (we allowed to participate in this activity together with their kids). This activity was really very special for us as organisers, we tried to be very gentle and supportive.
What was the average age of participants?
What was the physical activity level of the participants?
The majority of participants do not practice physical activity regularly
How many boys/men?
How many girls/women?
Money received from the Coalition in €:
1.557 EUR
What did you use the money for (guides, gear, accommodation…)?
- Rent of the bus 430 EUR
- Catering (soup, water, etc.) 258.31 EUR
- Eco-guide 160 EUR
- Nordic walking trainers and guides services 272 EUR
- Project manager salary 373.77 EUR (gross salary, all taxes included)
- Rent of additional poles for the kids (as they needed shorter poles) 62.92 EUR

Project Testimonials
How did I feel about the project before it started?
Ladies from Ukraine were excited to have an opportunity to switch from routine activity and dark thoughts, re-unite with nature. Participants that did not practice Nordic walking previously, were a little worried, if they will make it, whether the distance is not too long
What was a challenge?
Majority of the participants haven’t tried Nordix walking before. They were worried, that it will be difficult, However when they actually tried, they really enjoyed it. They even commented, that it is easier to walk with the poles than without them. The main challenge was to convince the participants, that they will succeed and that even the beginnerd can practice Nordic walking.
What was your favourite part of the project?
The guide has showed us the place, where we had an opportunity to meditatte together, some participants were standing on the stones with bare feet to better feel the energy of the place. The guide has given every participant lavender, so that we could activate smell. This was really powerful and nice moment of the activity. Also, nice emotions, relief after the activity and lot’s of gratefulness.
How will this project influence your outdoor adventures in the future?
One of the kids participating in the activity sait to his mother that he was glad to have a long walk in the forest. Also, it was obvious that kids treated this hike as a magical adventure, were attentively listening to the stories told by the guide, climbed on the bigger stones and enjoyed themselves. Hopefully they will keep this positive outdoor experience for a longer time. We really hope that this small project will be a kind of gentle push towards outdoor physical activity – the best stress – relief.
Some Other Things
Would you recommend applying for an #itsgreatoutthere grant?
Yes for sure
How useful would you say the support provided by the Coalition was to your project?
The grant itself was a great opportunity to produce a project that probably would not appear otherwise. We are grateful to It’s Great Out There for this opportunity!
Anastasija Marcenko