Minds Matter

Our experience pre and during CV19, has told us that deprived young people are more vulnerable to developing poor mental-health and we regularly see first-hand, young people who are “not fit for work” through a toxic combination of shockingly poor physical and mental-health.

by Young Gloucestershire









Target Group: Disadvantaged young people
Impact: 20 young people would be intensively supported during 12 months / 1040 Outdoor Activity Days

As restrictions ease, the project will aim to work with individuals, or very small groups, to support young people into outdoor activity while simultaneously addressing mental and emotional needs through a combination of specialist counselling and therapeutic intervention. Social needs ie unemployment, housing etc will be addressed through access to YG’s other youth-work support.

About the Organisation

YG supports marginalised and vulnerable young people (aged 11-25), across Gloucestershire, who face complex challenges in their lives. Those we work with include those with chaotic home lives, care-leavers, academic underachievers, drug/alcohol addicts, young parents/carers, young offenders or those coping with a mental-health issue. These young people turn to us for help in finding practical ways to motivate themselves, to develop confidence and the transferable skills they need to find a job. Prior to lockdown we were attempting to develop an outdoor activity programme for those especially vulnerable to poor mental-health but the small amount of funding we raised had to re-directed to CV19-response work.