by Cammina con I Gufi
Target Group: Families

AKU is associated to the European Outdoor Group and has decided to promote this campaign with the event Trek with donkeys, one of the most appreciated events of the “Cammina con i Gufi” (Hiking with the Owls), which every September since 2005 has been taking place in Cesio Maggiore, in the area of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park.
Trek with donkeys is an easy and educational trek which is perfect both for children and adults and amazingly fits for the goal of #itsgreatoutthere. The donkey is the perfect mate for children’s treks: it is smart and calm, it loves being petted, it walks with regular and slow steps, it makes the trek more fun. During the trek, children have been very fascinated by these quiet and tender animals and they had the opportunity to interact with them through didactic activities. During the walk, all the participants enjoyed a snack made of local products. At the end of the trek, children have been asked to write a little note that described their feelings.
Since 2014 AKU has sponsored the several activities of “Cammina con i Gufi”, thus underlining its commitment in supporting projects that foster the achievement of harmonious relationships between men and nature. By taking part in #itsgreatoutthere, AKU wants to offer a concrete help to bring families and children closer to outdoor activities.